Videos shared to OneDrive now enable enhanced viewing via Microsoft Stream.
Updated OneDrive share destination to support personal OneDrive accounts in addition to Office 365 Business accounts.Improved automatic naming of captures shared to Google Drive.Videos have more relevant or descriptive default titles when shared to Screencast.
Video recordings now capture metadata and are included in the Applications and Websites categories in the Snagit Library.Updated Automatic Scrolling so that users can access other applications while Snagit processes the capture.
Significantly improved how Scrolling capture handles headers, footers, and sidebars that remain onscreen while scrolling. Improved messaging during and after capture processing to help users take successful captures. Streamlined Scrolling (formerly Panoramic) capture to require fewer clicks. "Panoramic" is now "Scrolling" capture, and "Scrolling" is now "Automatic Scrolling" capture. Updated scrolling capture names in the interface, onboarding, and help content to more accurately reflect the functionality. A user favorite that seamlessly captures super long web pages, documents and spreadsheets effortlessly. To stitch videos into a single recording, select two or more videos in the Editor's Recent Tray, right-click on a selected video, then choose Combine Videos from the context menu. Streamline workplace communications by combining multiple videos into a cohesive presentation. Select this option from the Capture Cursor settings in the Capture Window, or turn it on and off from the video toolbar while recording. Guide viewers to critical information by adding a highlight to your cursor while recording video.
In deze uitgave zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: New Features De screenshots kunnen als afbeeldingen worden opgeslagen of direct in diverse programma's zoals Word en PowerPoint worden geïmporteerd. Verder kunnen ter verduidelijking teksten, pijlen en cirkels worden aangebracht. Zo kunnen er effecten als perspectief, spotlight en magnify op worden losgelaten. Met dit programma, dat voor zowel Windows als macOS beschikbaar is, kunnen plaatjes, tekst, bewegende beelden en webpagina's worden afgevangen en bewerkt. TechSmith heeft een update voor versie 2023 van Snagit uitgebracht.